Winter/Spring ECFE Registration
Registration for (ECFE) Early Childhood Family Education classes: Registration for the winter/spring classes opens on Jan. 8 @ 7am. Click here to view the online brochure.
Welcome to Fergus Falls ISD 544 Early Childhood Education -
where your child's education journey begins!
District 544 has provided early childhood programming since 1986. Our programs serve children and families birth through the start of Kindergarten. Programming allows for matching a wide variety of services with the needs of participating children. The service agencies collaborate to meet the health, education and social needs of children in order to enhance their learning, development and future success in school.
Our programs include:
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
Explore our programs and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out at any time!
For program and registration information, feel free to stop by or call our office:
Physical Location:
2300 College Way, Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Mailing address:
601 Randolph Ave., Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Fax: 218-414-2682
Phone: 218-998-0544 Ext. 8900
General Information
Early Childhood Education- Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) and School Readiness Otter Preschool serve parents and children ages newborn to not yet in Kindergarten. Our classes are open to all families; no one will be turned away due to the inability to pay - reduced fees are available to families as they qualify. We do, however, need to limit enrollment in classes due to space limitations, so register early! If a class becomes full, your name will be put on a waiting list. All programming is held at the Lincoln School 2300 College Way Fergus Falls, MN.
In Person:
Request and Drop off registration forms at the Lincoln School
Lincoln School 2300 College Way, Fergus Falls, MN during regular business hours.
Call in to the Early Childhood Center at
218-998-0544 ext. 8900
Payment information
Payments for enrollments can either be made by check, cash, or on-line by going to the Fergus Falls school website: and clicking on the ‘school store’ under the quick links tab and logging into your account that was used to register with. ECFE payment is due upon registration and School Readiness Otter Preschool is billed monthly through email. *No one will be turned away due to the inability to pay - reduced fees are available to families as they qualify.
ECFE Tours
Tours of the Lincoln School building for ECFE families can be done ANYTIME by calling for an appointment at 218-998-0544 ext. 8900
Otter Preschool Tours
Tours of the Lincoln School building for Otter Preschool families can be done ANYTIME by calling for an appointment at 218-998-0544 ext. 8900
You can help the Fergus Falls ECFE, Otter Preschool, and the United Way Child Care Visitor programs earn money for instructional and educational supplies, toys, paints and paper by saving the following:
Service Food Receipts
We receive 1% of the total of the receipts we turn in
Other Fundraising events throughout the year have included:
Popcorn Sales from Mother Goose and Beans
T Shirt Sales
Notebook Sales
Book Orders
Scholastic Book Fairs
and More!
We are always open to new ideas to support our program if you have new fundraising ideas please let us know!
Children's Health
Fever, upset stomach, unusual rash, cough with fever? Please keep children at home if they are showing signs of illness. Children who have a fever should not attend classes. If your child develops a communicable disease, please call the Early Childhood Center at 218-998-0544 ext. 8900. We will notify other parents to watch for symptoms.
School Health office information can be found here.
Please Note: Minnesota law requires that all children have up-to-date immunizations at the time they enter Early Childhood classes including ECFE and Otter Preschool. No student will be turned away; a notarized statement must be submitted in order for the student to receive an exemption if contrary to beliefs.
Parent Resources
Children's Corner Learning Center
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Fergus Falls Early Childhood Initiative (ECI)
Harvard Center on the Developing Child
Otter Tail County Public Health
Otter Tail County Human Services
Minnesota Association for the Education of Young Children (MnAEYC)
Minnesota Association for Family and Early Education (MNAFEE)
Minnesota Department of Human Services Information Center
Minnesota Child Care Association
Mahube–OTWA Communities Action, Inc.
National Association for the Educaiton of Young Children (NAEYC)
Prairie Wetlands Learning Center- Fergus Falls
Closing Policy
Closings due to inclement weather
District 544’s ECFE & Otter Preschool follow closing procedures for the Fergus Falls school district.
-If Fergus Falls school is 2 hours late:
Preschool FULL day classes will be 2 hours late and resume after the late start (10:30am- Doors will open at 10:20am)
Preschool HALF day morning classes are CANCELED
NO Early Gym Drop off
ECFE morning classes are CANCELED
PM Preschool and PM ECFE classes will run as usual when school is only delayed
- If Fergus Falls school is dismissed early:
Preschool FULL day classes will dismiss
Preschool HALF day afternoon classes are canceled
ECFE afternoon and evening classes are canceled
- If Fergus Falls school is cancelled/closed:
All Preschool and ECFE classes are cancelled for the day
Weather cancellations will be broadcast on KBRF & KJJK on Lakes Radio.
Weather related announcements are broadcast on the following radio and TV stations:
Lakes Radio in Clear Channel Radio
Fergus Falls: Fargo:
Family – AM 1020 KBAF- FM 93
KJJK-FM 96.5 KFGO-AM 790
KBRF-AM 1250 KKBX- FM 101.9
KZCR-FM 103.3 KRVI-FM 95.1
Lakes-Fm 99.5 KVOX-AM 1280
Fargo TV Stations: KXJB 4, WDAY 6, KVLY 11
Check our FACEBOOK page for @isd544earlychildhood for up to date information. You may also call 218-998-0544 to find out weather related announcements for district classes and activities or to subscribe to district alerts go to the website: click on Quick links and then alerts. *Please note announcements are from the district specifically and will not state Early Childhood separately our Facebook is the best place to see announcements specifically for Early Childhood.
Also, Check our Facebook page for up to date information @isd544earlychildhood
For more information
For program and registration information, feel free to stop by or call our office:
Physical location: 2300 College Way Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Mail: 601 Randolph Ave Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Fax: 218-414-2682
Phone: 218-998-0544 Ext. 8900